Root, Root, Root for Your Home Team.



I wrote this Sunday evening as I was about to leave for Brian’s birthday dinner. 

Jordan read it over and responded, “.. I’m wondering if there’s one paragraph that could slap the reader in the face with a, ‘HELLO YOU REALLY NEED PEOPLE OR YOU’RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT OUT ALIVE BUDDY.'”

And that’s when I realized I’d tried glossing over a topic that needs much, much more attention. So I went back and did some research and put much more thought into it.

And I hope that’s what you find. I hope you realize how important this concept of needing other people is. It’s not an option. It’s a requirement, and without it you really won’t make it out alive. 

With that being said, here’s a thought or two on having a solid Home Team:

I love lists.

And the other day I made two.

One was a guest list for my wedding in March. The other was a slideshow I made for Brian, my fiancé, of who’s who in my life. (These things are necessary when you’ve only known each other for three months.)

The title read: Corinne’s Home Team and included the people who have stood in my corner for the past few years as I’ve changed and grown and wrestled with new chapters in life.

It included friends from college, ones from the National Parks, and a few I’ve only know for a year or so.

These are the people who have spoken truth into difficult situations, who have challenged me to think through decisions thoroughly, and who have prayed over me when I’m about to give up.

They rejoice when I rejoice, and they comfort me when I’m sad.

They’re not family. They were once strangers. And now some are standing by me as I get married, while the rest will be in the crowd.

They’ve been there. They’ve bought plane tickets and have driven several miles to come see me. They make it a point to know me.

And I wonder: do you have a Home Team?

Do you have a handful of people who cheer you on when the going gets tough, and who remind you that this world is so much bigger than us?

I think Matthew Kelly was onto something when he said,

The people we surround ourselves with either raise or lower our standards. They either help us to become the best version of ourselves or encourage us to become lesser versions of ourselves. We become like our friends. No man becomes great on his own. No woman becomes great on her own. The people around them help to make them great. We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the best version of ourselves.

As we figure out this whole Amateur thing together, it’s important to do it with other people. Try doing it alone, and I have a hunch that you’ll run yourself into the ground.

People need people.

And Amateurs need Home Teams.

So, who’s on yours?

Who do you have cheering you on from the sidelines of life as you get back up from a fall or hit a home run?

You don’t need a whole dugout full; a handful or so will do.

But as we aim to become the best versions of ourselves, and as we sift through some of the grey areas of life, we need the type of people who will make us great as they encourage and challenge us.

And as friends of other people, we too have the chance to do the same.

So paired with the question of “who’s on your Home Team,” let me ask you this: whose Home Team are you on?

I think it’s worth asking the people around you whether you challenge and encourage them. And I think it’s worth asking them to do the same for you.

Root for your Home Team. They’re rooting for you. And if you’ve just realized you don’t have one, let’s talk.

For those of you who care to see mine, here’s your chance: the-gang

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